Envoirnmental thinking
Nordic health food considers it important to take care of the environment, as a large part of the raw materials we use come from organic farms. Our environmental policy can be summarized in a number of points.
We must use nature's resources in an efficient way. The goods and services that Nordisk hälsokost AB provides must meet high environmental requirements. The environmental legislation and other requirements must constitute a minimum level for us.
We shall strive towards an improvement of the business from an environmental point of view by working on this continuously.
We want to influence what we sell and therefore make demands on suppliers and partners. We work actively to ensure that environmental considerations are taken into account in all parts of the business and do NOT purchase raw materials that are genetically modified or irradiated. We use exclusively NON-GMO (non-genetically modified) and NON-IRRADIATED (non-irradiated) raw materials.r
Nordisk hälsokost AB must contribute to a better environment by making our property environmentally friendly. The daily handling of products must take place in an environmentally friendly manner. Environmentally friendly cleaning agents with refills are used for cleaning. Paper is sorted for recycling and a special environmental station is used for potentially environmentally hazardous rubbish.
Nordic health food is connected to REPA
Vi strives to always make use of packaging, cartons, cans, buckets, plastic bags, and other packaging in order to reuse these to the greatest extent possible. This means that we reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfill.
Nordisk hälsokost AB uses the most environmentally friendly transport possible and strives to always improve efficiency and reduce the amount of outgoing goods through good planning.
Ready for a collaboration?
Contact us or read more about our process and we will start a collaboration.